An insurer reckons with geckos, cavemen and Flo
CSE Insurance
Brand strategy reinvigorates a P&C insurer’s business strategy
CSE Insurance Group was a regional personal and commercial P&C provider owned by a French conglomerate, COVEA the company had overhauled its management, product, service and operations platform and was ready to focus on refreshing its brand identity. In particular, the firm wanted to expand its share of the public service employee market, which it had served for decades. But CSE’s loyal agents had widened their reach to the general market while aggressive, branded competitors were rapidly gaining traction with consumers by aligning products, services and experiences to segmented needs — including those of public employees. The company was putting stock in its heritage rather than listening its segments and agents.
Revealing data and recommendations that contradict the client’s beliefs can have interesting consequences. CG asked the right questions before simply refreshing CSE’s look and feel. Our research validated the need for a strategic repositioning of the business, resulting in the creation of a catalyst for a wholly new approach to the brand and initiating change throughout the organization. Brand strategy, in this case, led to a recasting of the business strategy.
We codified the organizational change with business-line architecture, product nomenclature and a go-to-market segmentation scheme. A full repositioning followed and was validated by consumer research. “Good policy people” was selected as a strong expression of the firm’s service-first model, transparency and legacy of trust. A new identity and bright visual style brought natural, real-life imagery to the forefront while the tagline “We love your stuff” reinforced CSE’s emotional connection with consumers. Launched with great fanfare, the brand turned its business toward the future.