After recently recording my show at In|Vest 2018, I am still feeling the excitement of having met so many amazing thought leaders and being part of such an engaging, well-run event. Over a thousand people showed up to listen to jam-packed sessions on topics like, The Business Case for Going Digital and The Death of Robo. I personally want to thank Source Media for putting together such a successful event.
I usually record my podcast, Bank On It, at my studio on Wall Street, hosted by Carpenter Group, but I also travel to major events and take my recording equipment on the road. The conference organizers helped provide a location remotely so I could record 1-on-1 interviews directly as the speakers got off and on stage! I had some really interesting conversations and got to hear from the following people about their unique perspective on the story behind their company’s brand and how it fits in their respective industry: Neesha Hathi,Dann Bibas, Josh Book, Randy Bullard, Anton Honikman, Blake C. Kannady,Gerard Michael, Eric Poirier, Steve Sanduski, Mike Sha, Aaron Spradlin,Kapin Vora, and Bill Walton.
Starting on 8/7/18, I’ll begin releasing the conference interviews on my podcast and I have a few more special guests coming by the studio in the coming weeks, so please stay tuned!
In the meantime — here’s a sneak peek into some themes that were buzzing around: “AI” and a “Hybrid approach” — both factors will continue to dominate a lot of conversations in the future, but speakers cautioned against letting their role dominate the user experience as well. It’s important to realize that with any of these advances and access to tools, a successful brand is still a brand that is obsessed with delivering the best user experience, which is a key differentiator I continue to see with companies.
I really had a blast and got so much out of this conference — which, if you haven’t attended, it should be a must on your conference list for next year. If you want to get a sense of what it’s like, check out the conference hashtag #invest2018 and see what you absolutely don’t want to miss out on next year. If you can’t wait till next year in NYC they’re planning a West coast event, December 6–7 in San Francisco.
And to stay updated on my interviews: You can subscribe to the show “Bank On It” on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or iHeartRadio or online at
About John Siracusa
John is the host of the bi-weekly “Bank On It” podcast recorded onsite at Carpenter Group. He is a fintech, venture capital and financial services enthusiast and connector at the center of an ever-innovating fintech ecosystem.