Bank on It – Episode 149 – Aaron Schumm from Vestwell

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In this episode I chat with Aaron Schumm from Vestwell. Aaron shared some amazing stories throughout his entrepreneurial career like stressful times of being totally out of cash, to more positive like talking with over 80 VCs of which only 3 said no to funding his company. He’s been through a lot of ups and downs, yet he stayed positive throughout it all. We discuss it and laugh a bit. Tune in and learn about the organic progression on why/how Aaron built his recent company, Vestwell. Vestwell has some amazing VC backers, F-Prime Capital Partners, FinTech Collective, Commerce Ventures and Primary Venture Partners to name a few.

Aaron Schumm
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About John Siracusa

John is the host of the bi-weekly “Bank On It” podcast recorded onsite at Carpenter Group. He is a fintech, venture capital and financial services enthusiast and connector at the center of an ever-innovating fintech ecosystem.

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