Bank on It – Episode 210 – Lindsay Holden from Long Game

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In this episode the host John Siracusa chats with Lindsay Holden, co-founder and the CEO of Long Game.  Long game, is a personal finance app that allows its users to play games and win cash or crypto prizes up to $1 million.  Helping consumers save money while adding gamification, mixing FDIC insurance and fun.

Subscribe now on iTunes, StitcherSpotify and iHeartRadio to hear Thursday’s episode with Antonio Tomarchio from Cuebiq.


About the host:

John is the host of the twice-weekly “Bank On It” podcast recorded onsite at offices of Carpenter Group, a creative services agency focused on the financial services industry. He’s a highly sought after fintech, VC and financial services industry enthusiast and connector. He’s in the center of the fintech ecosystem, keeping current with the ever-innovating industry.