Bank on It – Episode 143 – Recorded Live from In|Vest 2018

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Recorded live onsite at In|Vest 2018 in NYC interviewing many of the key speakers at the event when they were off the stage, we talked about the stuff they didn’t say on stage and some of the things that people at the event were buzzing about and things they should’ve been, but weren’t.

You can Subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and iHeartRadio.

People interviewed in this episode:

Neesha Hathi, EVP, Charles Schwab
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Mike Sha, CEO & Co Founder, SigFig

Randy Bullard, General Manager, SigFig

Josh Book, CEO, Parameter Insights
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About John Siracusa

John is the host of the bi-weekly “Bank On It” podcast recorded onsite at Carpenter Group. He is a fintech, venture capital and financial services enthusiast and connector at the center of an ever-innovating fintech ecosystem.

Follow him on LinkedInTwitter or Medium