Bank on It – Episode 204 – Vince Passione from LendKey

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In this episode the host John Siracusa chats with Vince Passione, founder and the CEO at LendKey.  Lendkey is a white label lender, specializing in student loans.  From 2003 until 2006 Vince was the President/COO at DealerTrack. DealerTrack, created connections between the auto dealerships and thousands of lenders nationwide.  Something which never existed before. Now he’s building a similarly structured ecosystem that’ll connect the world of student lending.

Subscribe now to hear Thursday’s episode with Ian Lampl from LoanStreet.


About the host:

John is the host of the twice-weekly “Bank On It” podcast recorded onsite at offices of Carpenter Group, a creative services agency focused on the financial services industry. He’s a highly sought after fintech, VC and financial services industry enthusiast and connector. He’s in the center of the fintech ecosystem, keeping current with the ever-innovating industry.