Bank on It – Episode 205 – Ian Lampl from LoanStreet

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In this episode the host John Siracusa chats with Ian Lampl, co-founder and CEO at LoanStreet.  LoanStreet, enables institutions like banks & credit unions to syndicate their loans to interested investors. Before Ian co-founded LoanStreet, he was the deputy chief counsel, office of financial stability — Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) at the U.S. Department of Treasury.  In the beginning Loanstreet wasn’t working, It took about 1 year to pivot the model and 4 years of brutal hard work before Loanstreet found traction. Now they have hundreds of banks and credit unions as clients.

Subscribe now on iTunesStitcherSpotify and iHeartRadio to hear next Tuesday’s episode with Ohad Samet from TrueAccord.


About the host:

John is the host of the twice-weekly “Bank On It” podcast recorded onsite at offices of Carpenter Group, a creative services agency focused on the financial services industry. He’s a highly sought after fintech, VC and financial services industry enthusiast and connector. He’s in the center of the fintech ecosystem, keeping current with the ever-innovating industry.