Bank on It – Episode 148 – Colin Kennedy from Clarity with Marcus by Goldman Sachs

I recently talked with Colin Kennedy from Clarity with Marcus by Goldman Sachs. It was a great interview where I talked with Colin. Colin has a very interesting story, he was the CRO & COO of Clarity during the acquisition from Marcus by Goldman Sachs. During the interview we discussed about the vision of Clarity and we talked a bit about the wild ride Clarity has been through. It was launched in January 2017 and Acquired April 2018. Now Clarity enjoys over a million users and we discussed how that happened through their app ecosystem and organic growth. Although the Clarity team didn’t develop the company for acquisition they learned quickly that Marcus had a different idea and it ended up becoming a perfect acquisition.
It’s a great story, I’m glad Colin sat with me and chatted. Listen in if you want to hear it all.
Colin Kennedy, LinkedIn
Goldman Sachs, LinkedIn — Twitter
Marcus, Twitter
About John Siracusa
John is the host of the bi-weekly “Bank On It” podcast recorded onsite at Carpenter Group. He is a fintech, venture capital and financial services enthusiast and connector at the center of an ever-innovating fintech ecosystem.